Ups and Downs of a Well-Meaning Hike to Daffodil Flats

During quarantine, I became borderline obsessed with physical activity and “getting my steps in” (who can relate?). I found myself checking my steps counter regularly, using exercise as a tool to keep my anxiety in check. In turn, hiking became part and parcel of my newfound outdoor workout enthusiasm.

The Daffodil Flats trail has been on my radar for some time. The most popular time to visit this hiker’s destination near Nebo is in March when the daffodils bloom.

Local lore claims Daffodil Flats originated from an old homestead that is no longer visible. Still, the flowers bloom year after year to continue telling their tale. We packed up our snacks, water, and the dogs and hit the road for prepared for the 1.5-hour ride to Nebo, where the trailhead can be found. Bringing the dogs was our first mistake.